
Read the Latest Articles About Digital Trends for Mobile App Development, Web and More

The Swiss Army Knife of Cash Apps

Remember the old days when you had to pay someone, you’d usually write them a check. In best case scenario you could hand over the check instantly, but the recipient would still have to run to the bank to make a deposit or in worst-case scenario wait for it to arrive by mail and it would take up to a week before the funds could be deposited. Fortunately, that is how it used to be. Nowadays you can transfer money instantly using the device most people have within an arm’s reach, the mobile phone.

The 6 Best Educational Apps for Kids

The COVID-19 pandemic caused a surge in popularity of educational apps. All of a sudden working remotely and home-schooling became the norm. Kids were online with their teachers, but the amount of online-time varied from school-to-school and educational apps for phones and tablets became a helpful tool for parents everywhere. In the beginning of 2020 there was a reported almost 1 billion downloads of educational apps in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Finding out which apps are useful can be a chore with the amount of educational apps available. That’s why we’ve done the hard word for you by finding the 6 best educational apps.

How to Make Money on a Free App

If you’re wondering how to make money on a free app, you’re at the right place. Android and iOS owners are forecast to spend a combined $693 billion on apps in 2021 and that’s a market you shouldn’t miss out on. We’ll tell you what you need to know to start bringing in some of that revenue in your app. We'll also go over the different types of revenue streams you can choose from and which are the most popular.

How to Patent an App Idea

If you’ve got a great idea for an app, you’re probably worried about it getting to market before someone else with the same or similar idea comes first. Developing an app can easily take 6 months or more and a lot of people are involved who potentially could take your idea and run with it. So, the question is can you patent your app and protect your intellectual property? In short, yes. We’ll explain what you can and can’t do to patent your app.

What is a Digital Agency?

You may wonder what a digital agency can do for your business compared to a traditional creative agency. Even though they sound similar there’s a world of difference between the two. Unless you’re just looking to create a tv ad, logo design or copywriting, digital agencies have a lot more to offer. Digital agencies are specialized in creating screen-based products and services and help with strategy, creative design and technical development.

What is an App Stack?

An app stack can either be a technological-based app stack or a software-based app stack. A technological-based app stack is used for mobile app development where you create your own app stack based on if you are developing an app for Android, iOS or cross-platform. The type of app developed also matters (game, educational, utility etc.) when choosing the right app stack. A software-based app stack is a group of software programs working together to solve a common goal or task.

The 5 Best Mobile Advertising Platforms for Digital Marketing

In-app marketing is growing in tandem with the success of mobile phones and in just 10 years the mobile advertising platform spending has grown from 729 million dollars in 2010 to almost 200 billion dollars in 2020. There’s no doubt digital marketing is a big industry, and to get your brand featured on the best mobile advertising platform, we have researched and analyzed the 5 best mobile advertising platforms to help you make an informed choice and make the most of your marketing budget.

Categories: Digital Agency, Marketing|
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